傳統與創新猴子戲合二為一 栃木縣猴子樂園 日光猿軍團 A monkey show that combines tradition and innovation Nikko Saru Gundan in Tochigi Prefecture

There is a traditional Japanese performance called “monkey show”. After years of evolution, decline and resurrection, the “Nikko Saru Gundan” led by the monkey show expert Taro Murasaki has carried forward the monkey show! The “Nikko Saru Gundan” is opened in Tochigi Prefecture, not only to allow tourists to get close to and touch the little monkeys, but also to learn and appreciate the monkey show!
What is “monkey show”?
Monkey show was introduced to Japan along with Buddhism a thousand years ago, and monkey performances called the “ape show (猿まわし)” was gradually emerged.
The monkey performance was originally used as a sacrifice to exorcise evil spirits. In the Muromachi period, it became a street performance art. In addition, the Japanese pronunciation of monkey (さる) is “saru”, which has the same pronunciation with the Japanese word去るwhich means “leave”. It has the effect of exorcism and represents auspiciousness, and the monkey show became a New Year event.
Later, after the Meiji period, it gradually became one of the artist performance group’s shows in the Yashiro area of Yamaguchi Prefecture.
In 1955, the monkey show was silenced, until Yoshihisa Murasaki brought the monkey show back to Japan, and passed on the techniques of traditional monkey show to his disciples and his son, Taro Murasaki, who is now in charge of the Nikko Saru Gundan.
猴子樂園 日光猿軍團的園內設施介紹
Introduction to the facilities in the monkey park “Nikko Saru Gundan”
1. 猴子溫泉 Monkey Onsen
Many people may have seen photos of monkeys taking a hot spring and you may know that monkeys like hot springs. Therefore, there are hot spring areas in the park, not for tourists to use, but for them to watch monkeys taking hot spring. Looking at the comfortable and cute appearance of the little monkeys, you may take photos as a souvenir!
2. 猴子CAFE Monkey Café
The Monkey Cafe here is a good choice when you feel hungry or get tired from playing! The cute monkeys put on maid costumes help guests to order meals. You will be recharged of positive energy after watching them work hard.
3. 幼猴房間 Baby Monkey Room
There are many cute baby monkeys in this baby monkey room to greet everyone. Generally, tourists can observe the baby monkeys through the window. However, from August to November, it allows tourists to visit inside, to hug and play with baby monkeys!
4. 機動遊戲街 Attraction Street
There are various booth games in this area, where you can play with the monkeys! For example, you can play the air-cushion ball with them, the monkey luck sign game, the monkey version of the claw machine, the monkey roulette, the monkey quiz competition etc. Come and have fun before waiting for the monkey show!

5. 猴子山 Monkey Mountain
This area is like the monkey area of a zoo, and this monkey mountain is their habitat. Tourists can observe monkeys’ most natural side, which they may be eating bananas, playing or sleeping.
6. 主舞台 Main Stage
The main stage is the venue for monkey show, with a large 180-degree white curtain set behind the stage. Different backgrounds will be projected for different performances. Besides, the theme of the wonderful performance of “Nikko Saru Gundan” will change every year, so there will always be new performances waiting for you!
7. 體育館 Stadium
This stadium is like a human’s stadium with regular sports events. Here the monkeys will play wonderful football game, using different football techniques and special moves, guess all audience will clap and cheer!
8. 野外舞台 Outdoor Stage
In addition to the innovative stage performance and football contest, the performance on this outdoor stage is like the traditional monkey show, where the monkeys will dance following the music of the taiko drums!
9. 太郎次郎資料館 Taro Jiro Museum
This museum will display a historical introduction to the monkey show, as well as a commentary on Taro Murasaki’s 40-year career as an entertainer.
10.手信店 Souvenir Shop
After playing games, watching shows and having meals in the cafe, the last thing is to go to the souvenir shop to buy souvenirs. The souvenir shop sells original products of the “Nikko Saru Gundan”, including cute monkey dolls.
猴子樂園 日光猿軍團
詳細可到猴子樂園 日光猿軍團網站
Nikko Saru Gundan
Address: 763 Karakura, Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture
Business Hours: Weekdays 10:00-14:00 (last entry 13:00), weekends and public holidays 10:00-16:00 (last entry 16:00)
Fee: 2,300 yen for adults, 1,100 yen for children, 1,800 yen for seniors
Details can be found on Nikko Saru Gundan’s official website
For queries, please contact Nippon Sensor.
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